Quicker, Clearer, Easier.
Book-keeping is a Personal finance management app which lets you track your day-to-day spending.
it offer a faster input method and clearer reports for you, no financial terminology.
★Quick Input :
number, description, category, and save, 4 step to finish your bookkeeping.
★Quicker Input :
just click the "Quicker" button in "quick input" page, it will show a list of existing description (and its category), just select one to fill the form, so the quicker input become number, quicker, save, 3 step to finish your bookkeeping without typing any text!
★Month List :
a nice and clear list show the spending per month.
★Month Report :
a pie that report money spending on each category per month
★Year Report :
total report of each month.
if you have some problem or advice with book-keeping, please email us.